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Why isn’t my campaign spending? 

Review these common reasons:

Creative/Lander Approval Status:

You must have at least one approved creative linked with an approved lander

 Ensure that all your creatives and landing pages adhere to our platform's guidelines
Review the status of your creatives/landers

Status of Creatives & Landers

Hover your mouse over the icons for more information.

Go to Advertisers > Creatives to review all of your creatives

Creative Pending Approval

Approved Creatives will have no icon in the top right corner.

Go to Advertisers > Landers to review all of your landers

clock icon - lander.jpeg

Lander Pending Approval

Approved Landers will have a green checkmark.

Keyword Targeting:

Keyword targeting is the most limiting targeting feature - please use as many single-worded keywords with varying spellings, capitalization, and tenses.

Not all Publisher sites support this feature - try disabling keyword targeting feature to test performance

Your CPM

Evaluate your CPM

RAC is an RTB (Real-Time Bidding) platform - your campaign is bidding in live time against other campaigns for impressions. You might want to adjust the CPM higher to boost its competitiveness

What is the minimum amount to start advertising? 

No set cost for impressions but your account must first be loaded.

Add Funds to account

First deposit $100 into your RAC wallet
Any funds not spent on purchasing impressions can be refunded upon request

There is no set price to advertise

RAC is an Real-Time Bidding platform - your campaign bids in real time for impressions based on the CPM you set
Contact our support team for any payment, refund, or account setup questions

Can I add multiple people / emails to the account? 

Not yet.

Unfortunately, RAC does not yet support a parent-child account setup. This is coming soon!

Some advertisers create separate accounts per client (each RAC account requires a different email), while some manage multiple clients within one account.
If only you or your team members log in to the RAC account, consolidating clients under one account might be optimal. Please keep in mind, anyone logged in can view/edit all campaign information and all funds pull from the same “wallet”.

Why was my account rejected?

Not enough information to validate your account.

All fields in the Intake Form must be completed

Please provide all the necessary information on the intake form
Once all fields are filled, please resubmit

Check your email inbox for followup questions

Our team may request additional information (emails will come from an *** address)
Contact our support team for any specific account setup questions

Why is my campaign spending so quickly? 

Campaign is winning more bids (impressions) than intended.

Depending on your campaign’s daily budget, your may want to restrict the bidding opportunity of your campaign - make it more selective so it will spend less

Add stricter Frequency Capping - Ex: 2 views per 24 hours
Change Bid Type to “Smart” - Allows the system to adjust the CPM lower when applicable
Add more Targeting - Ex: Country, Region, etc.
Add Scheduling (set specific days/times that your campaign will display to a viewer)

How can I request a refund? 

Contact our support team at

We can only refund funds not used to purchase impressions.

What’s the difference between Advertiser and Publisher?

Advertisers purchase ad space on RAC’s Publishers' site. Publishers have their own website and host our ads on the site.

An Advertiser purchases display and video inventory for the promotion of their product/brand.

A Publisher opts to make their video/display inventory available for sale to advertisers on the platform

For more information, please reach out to:

What video ratio/size should I use?

Aspect ratio of 16:9 or 4:3, only h264 encoded .mp4, and less than 50MB.

Please review the “Restrictions” button at the top right when uploading for more info.

What is a Native ad? And what restrictions are there?

Native ads are display ads - They allow a publisher to better display the creative as a part of their website with the extra information from the title/brand fields.

Native ads have the same upload restrictions as display creatives, review the “Restrictions” on the upload page for more information

Try to keep the title/brand fields as concise as possible - these fields have large character limits but the Publishing site determines their own cutoff

Publishers can choose to display only your creative - we cannot guarantee the title/brand will be displayed or how it will be displayed

What is the title/brand for?

Examples for how a Native Ad’s title/brand might be displayed:

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